Most of the people in my town, as well as the thousands of people who drive by my house everyday, have now seen the Tabs For Taylor wishing wells in my front yard. During my daughter Ashtyn's birthday party a lady showed up to ask if I would like her and her husbands tab collection. I said "yes, please," of course, and when I went to pick them up today, I was glad I brought my car. They had a garbage bag, half filled with tabs. They had been saving them for a few years and didn't know where to bring them. They were delighted to see my wells and know that the tabs would help kids at Shriners Hospitals for Children. Another lady stopped yesterday and told me she also had a whole bunch of tabs saved up that she wanted to go to Shriners but didn't really have a way of getting them there besides mailing (which is super expensive, by the way) so she was excited to now have a way to get them to Springfield. And this morning I had another person stop by and tell me she knew some people who drank A LOT of soda and she would ask them to save their tabs for our tab collection. And my neighbor's son is planning to start collecting them at school again for Tabs for Taylor.

This is what has been collected in the last 5 weeks. It was taking about 3 months to fill one of these up and now...well.....5 weeks!!!! I'm psyched! I'm also kind of bumming....I've been going to my local 'dump', the Walpole Recycling Center,(which is where around 5 gallons of these came from) on Saturday mornings to help count and bag, audit bags and of course, un-tab cans during the process, and my days left there are numbered by our relocating to Newport, VT in June. I'm hoping to find someone as tab-collecting-crazy as me (or at least willing) to carry on my efforts here in Walpole.
I received a thank you letter from LOSNA on Friday with their updated information:

The totals for the year were pretty impressive: 36,076 pounds of tabs collected in 2009-March 2010.....that's almost 9,000 pounds more than last year. That's awesome! I'm really glad to be able to be part of it and I'm so thankful and grateful for everyone who is helping this project. I can't thank everyone enough.
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